Eagleton Firewise® Community
Who are we?
Eagleton Firewise® Community was the brainchild of Mike Lattin and Amy Charlton, two landowners along East Eagle Creek in Baker County, Oregon. They gathered up some of the other property owners in October of 2020 and together we all decided that becoming a Firewise® community would be a wise choice. Back in 2015, one of the worst fire seasons on record, a fire broke out in the Main Eagle Creek drainage. Fires were burning across the state of Oregon and resources were extremely hard to come by as they were on big fires across the region. So, when a lightning bust hit our canyon, we were without much help.
Mike Lattin, a property owner, and owner of Comco Construction sent his crew up with equipment to protect structures. His employees all get certified every year to work for the Oregon Dept of Forestry to work along our equipment and that was all we had for resources to work on that fire for the first 3 days. We set up structure protection and ran cat lines, with the guidance of the Oregon Dept of Forestry. Once more resources arrived, we were in way better shape. surrounding lands.
Where are we?
Find out if you live in our community’s boundaries.
Contact: Brandi Sangster - eagle@eagletelephone.com