Upper Laycock creek Road
Firewise® Community
Who are we?
The Upper Laycock Creek Rd. (ULCER) became an official Firewise® Community in 2017. The ULCER Firewise® Community includes the south half of Laycock Creek Road adjacent to the Malheur National Forest boundary.
Since then the ULCR residents have created a phone tree and participated in an evacuation exercise with Grant Co search and rescue in 2020.
Additionally the ULCR residents approached the Malheur National Forest about creating a fuel break on their boundary next to private lands. The Forest Service agreed that private lands were at significant risk from fire coming off federal lands and that fuel break will be established this year.
Where are we?
Find out if you live in our community’s boundaries.
Community Projects/Articles
Contact: Irene Jerome at ijeromejnrc@gmail.com